Tuesday 5 April 2011

Ship's Boy


If boys wanted to become an officer in the Navy, they had to start at 11 years old. The captain and the rest of the ship's crew were responsible for their general education and sea training. Most ordinary seamen didn't know how to read or write, so they didn't get promoted further than a petty officer status. Boys were taught to draw, knot yarns, make spun yarn, grease the masts etc. They would also sweep and scrub decks, hold the log reel, coil up rigging, loose and furl the light sail and stand watch. Sometimes on smaller ships, they were even allowed to take the wheel and steer the ship. Boys climbed the masts to help with the sails or to keep watch. Falling from the masts often resulted in death. Punishment was rarely used.
Boys joined ships for various reason ranging from seeking adventure, escaping the law, training to become officers or because they were press-ganged (forced).

Dear Diary,
Oh Joy! How wonderful it is that God has answered my prayers. The Royal Navy has hired me as a ship's boy! I don't have to go back to that old cotton mill. I will be getting a weekly pay of 4 shillings. However, I will not be able to see my family much, as I will be out at sea. All my brothers and sisters are happy for me, and my parents will not have to look after me any more. I've always liked the sea, the look and the feel of it. It is so wide and clean. I hear the crew will take care of me and maybe teach me more about the world. They will enjoy that I can already read and write. It will also be hard work though, but it is all worth it to be away from that cotton mill. I also hear they don't use punishment often at all! Mother made my favourite dish of mashed potatoes and beef for dinner, as a celebration.

Usual payment for a day: [1 pound could buy all your food for a week.]
Seamen: 8 pence
Leading Seaman: 1 shilling
Mates: 1 shilling, 6 pence
Masters: 3 shillings, 8 pence
Midshipmen: 4 shillings, 8 pence
Lieutenant: 10 shillings
1st Lieutenant: 15 shillings
Commander: 17 shillings
Captain: 1 pound, 4 shillings

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